Saturday, July 19, 2008

hot, hot, hot

You know it's hot when you break a sweat powdering your face. Yeesh.

Of course I would decide to bake in this weather. More about that later.

Also, I picked raspberries (five different kinds!) the day before last in the hot hot heat. If I remember correctly they are from left to right (front to back) Canby, Royalty, Prelude, Killarney, and Encore. I purchased, from the same fruit farm, some of the largest cherries I've ever seen, and some lovely Crispin apples.

Brian also almost died of heat, but was also hott (with two t's) when he dressed up as the Joker yesterday, all day, for Batman. Purple suit and all (he had taken off his jacket here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. I give Brian a lot of credit for dressing up in this weather. His make-up is much better than Heath Ledger's in the movie! That would be kinda creepy if he went for that look though...